Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Nine months ago next week I got set up on a blind date by my roommate’s girlfriend with her old roommate. I was told she was not only a beautiful blond, but also smart and funny (which happen to match perfectly with my three best traits: handsome, genius, and hilarious). Needless to say I was pretty surprised when I got introduced to a brunette on our blind date (she had dyed it the day before). She was still beautiful, smart, smart and funny so I took her out again, again, again…well you know how it goes. I used to think Salt Lake was close, until I started dating Liz, but have since memorized every billboard from Provo to Salt Lake and from Salt Lake back to Provo (need to know when Tim McGraw plays at Usana Amphitheatre, or when the Utah Blaze, RSL, or SL Bees have a home game?)

In April we decided that we were to get married and started the process. We have since scheduled a sealing date, bought a wedding dress, ordered a tux, and now we finally got engaged on Memorial Day. Here’s how it went down… (special thanks to Kylie for the pictures and John for opening the Martinelli’s…)

Liz did not expect the ring until June 3rd or 4th at the earliest, but I knew it was coming on May 28th…


…John and Kylie invited us to go four-wheeling with them so that Liz was unsuspecting that I was up to anything. We went four-wheeling up behind Kylie’s house in Alpine (we were the second 4-wheeler so we had to have sunglasses to protect our eyes, and these were the ones we found)…


…We first stopped at a look-out point/amphitheatre towards the top of the mountain and took some pictures for a minute…



…John told us that he “had to go to the bathroom” and was going to “explore around” a little bit. I convinced Liz that we should just wait and “enjoy the view” for a few minutes. Meanwhile Him and Kylie had moved a few hundred yards away to a tree house…


…John was so generous to open the Martinelli’s for us as well (he also made sure that it wasn’t poisoned)…



…Liz was getting antsy to get back on the four-wheelers, but John called just in time and told us to come down and he had discovered a sweet tree house. John hid on the roof to film it. This included taking off his shirt because the white was too noticeable and having Kylie break off a few tree branches to cover him up more. We didn’t even notice him…


…Liz was confused when we walked into the tree house and saw the table set up like this (minus the ring, it was in my pocket because John had stashed it so I could grab it on the way in)…


…Ultimately she said YES!!! and was happy that I had surprised her…


…this one below looks awkward because we didn’t want to fall out of the tree house…



…I got a suggestion from my Dad when he proposed he carved his and my mom’s initials in a tree up Provo canyon and then went on a walk and found them (after looking for awhile) so when I was up scouting out the place on Saturday I carved our initials in the tree house Our initials were a little easier to find since they were right in the middle of the tree house…

IMG_1619  …We rode around a little more with the two accomplices…

IMG_1632 …found some great places like sliding rock…



Overall it was a great day and couldn’t have turned out better. I am one lucky man and we are both very happy to get married August 21, 2010 in the San Diego Temple!


I included a couple of my other favorite pictures of us from St. George and Vegas trips in early May.

St George Temple


Angel’s Landing in Zion’s National Park

STP62618STP62663Cliff Jumping at Sand Hollow   STP62685

At her brother Dave and wife Elyssa’s graduation from MBA school at UNLV, hence the red lighting


Golfing In Vegas, she makes a great Caddy



At the Bellagio and on the strip in Vegas




(I apologize for the picture overload, but if you look at my posting trend, I may not post again until I have a child…)


Jessica said...

Congratulations Dave and Liz! Thanks for the pictures Dave! We're so excited for August!!!

Nate said...

Congratulations! Thanks for all the pictures. We hope to see more before you have your first child.

Karen Vanessa said...

DAVID HARRIS...congratulations on your engagement!

Crystal Burns said...

CONGRATS Dave!!!! It's nice to see this side of you! I was also impressed with the picture documentaion and I your recapture was very nicely written =) ... I guess Karen figured out how to comprehend English since her comment went through :p

Dana said...

loved reading the details of how you surprised liz with the ring! very romantical : ) she looks like a great match for you dave! very pretty girl, and a nice "countenance" about her! ( i liked the special touch of carrying on tradition and leaving your initials there in the tree house!) yay for love and marriage! thanks for sharing "your story"....
love from the renshaws

Stefany said...

Congratulations Dave! We're so excited for you! Maybe we'll get to meet her at the reunion!!
~Jeff and Stefany

Megan said...

I've been waiting for this post!!! yeah!! congratulations! I am so happy for you. sorry it took me so long to post a comment. I wanted to be the first, dang. you better post wedding stuff, I don't think I can wait for another DMO post until you have a child. unless you have one right away which isn't such a bad thing. congratulations again!!

Morris Family said...

Congrats, Dave!! You are coming to the reunion, right? Can't wait to meet her. Also a great day, the day before Morm and I got married! See you soon! Love Shauna and Mormon